Alaska Seal of Biliteracy


A Seal of Biliteracy is an award that is granted by a school, district, state or other organization. A Seal of Biliteracy recognizes that an individual has attained a certain level of proficiency in two or more languages. A Seal of Biliteracy is typically awarded in the form of a certificate and can be used as a credential to convey an individual’s proficiency in two or more languages.


Alaska Seal of Biliteracy Overview

Award Name: Seal of Biliteracy

Adopted: 2016/05/12



English Requisite: English 2.5 GPA in English AND 4.5 or higher ELA Proficiency OR 16+ ACT OR 460+ SAT OR 4+ WorkKeys

ELL Requisite: AZELLA Proficient



Award Qualification: CAT I-III Languages Intermediate-Mid, CAT IV Languages Intermediate-Low

American Sign Language: Yes

Latin: Yes

Portfolio: Yes

College Credit: Yes

The Global Seal of Biliteracy is similar to an individual state Seal of Biliteracy. It certifies through testing that an individual has a certain level of language proficiency in two or more languages. In the United States, one of those languages should be English.

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